This is a poem that was sent to me by e-mail but I thought it deserved a post.
New Christmas Poem
This poem was written by a Marine.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Finals Finished!!

I finally had my last final of the semester this afternoon, which means I now have a three week break. YEA!!! I am really going to try to catch up on blog reading, staring tomorrow. I hope:)
Tonight I have to finish watching my beloved COLTS, and yell at the TV. I am sure they can hear me and will shape up if I yell enough.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Jungel Elves
Presenting the Diva, Peepers, and The Mouse (this is my new name for Cookies daughter because you know she's there but you rarely see her)

To make your own
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

To make your own
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas Classics
I have been spending my evenings this week watching all the 'Christmas Classics' with Peepers. They have brought back many memories. I remember being young and looking forward to these shows myself.

Then for the past 20yrs, my viewing pleasures have not been complete without watching 'A Christmas Story.' I cannot even explain why I love this movie so much but I will watch it over and over. A story told by Ralphie about his childhood one Christmas. Some clippets from the movie.

Then for the past 20yrs, my viewing pleasures have not been complete without watching 'A Christmas Story.' I cannot even explain why I love this movie so much but I will watch it over and over. A story told by Ralphie about his childhood one Christmas. Some clippets from the movie.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My Black Friday shopping was eventful. I made it to Wallyworld @ 4:20 AM. No one got hurt here because they let us wait inside. You just pushed you cart to the item you were going for first and they unwrapped it and @ 5:00 it was go time. I did have to hit a couple people with my cart, but that is only because they stopped in the aisle to talk with a friend and I was on a mission dammit, MOVE IT PEOPLE!! I left with all but one item I was after but grabbed a few extra because of the deal:) Moving right along, I was outta there and on my way to the mall @ 5:38. I wasn't there to lolly gag .
The Mall: I got a few things in Sears then headed to Old Navy. I only got a sweatshirt and shirt for Cookie's daughters b-day. My friend from school rang me up and asked me to please apply for a charge card so she could get credit. I said okay, as long as you still get the credit when I get denied. Well, I left Old Navy with a $4oo credit limit...go figure, are they crazy? I have no job!! Oh well, Cookie does..hehe!
I decided to leave at that. My Sears bag was getting heavy and I was no longer thinking straight. Went to Walgreens, got a pop and was home by 7:30AM. Not bad and I am now done with Christmas shopping. Now to wrap everything...Ugh!!
I put up the Christmas tree yesterday and started decorating. I will finish that tomorrow, maybe. On the bright side, I still have a few things decorated from last year (Christmas in July).
Hopefully I can post pictures this week.
Gonna try to catch up on some blogs also
The Mall: I got a few things in Sears then headed to Old Navy. I only got a sweatshirt and shirt for Cookie's daughters b-day. My friend from school rang me up and asked me to please apply for a charge card so she could get credit. I said okay, as long as you still get the credit when I get denied. Well, I left Old Navy with a $4oo credit limit...go figure, are they crazy? I have no job!! Oh well, Cookie does..hehe!
I decided to leave at that. My Sears bag was getting heavy and I was no longer thinking straight. Went to Walgreens, got a pop and was home by 7:30AM. Not bad and I am now done with Christmas shopping. Now to wrap everything...Ugh!!
I put up the Christmas tree yesterday and started decorating. I will finish that tomorrow, maybe. On the bright side, I still have a few things decorated from last year (Christmas in July).
Hopefully I can post pictures this week.
Gonna try to catch up on some blogs also
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hi everybody, hope everyone has had a great Thanksgiving.
We did, we stayed home and had Cookies homemade lasagna. One of the benefits to having Thanksgiving with family the weekend before. Although the Diva is not feeling well, she has had the stomach flu since last night. Poor child, I think she has been sick most major holidays this year.
I will be joining all the other fools out shopping at 4 AM tomorrow. That shall be fun, an excuse to get out of the house without Peepers begging to go.
Only three weeks left this semester, YEA!!!
Enjoy!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
We did, we stayed home and had Cookies homemade lasagna. One of the benefits to having Thanksgiving with family the weekend before. Although the Diva is not feeling well, she has had the stomach flu since last night. Poor child, I think she has been sick most major holidays this year.
I will be joining all the other fools out shopping at 4 AM tomorrow. That shall be fun, an excuse to get out of the house without Peepers begging to go.
Only three weeks left this semester, YEA!!!
Enjoy!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My Bissell is burnt
Wow, I just realized it has been some time since I have posted. School is going good tho.
Anyway onto another subject, back in March I bought this Bissell Powerforce turbo vacuum cleaner, now if you remember me, you know I HATE to clean so when I was sweeping last week and it started to smell funny I shut it off. I turned it up to look at it because I knew my roller had quit moving and smoke started coming out. Here I was thinking great, catch the place on fire so I won't have to worry about cleaning. I am still here so obviously the smoke wasn't as bad as it seemed.
Still haven't figured out why this damned thing will no longer work. The belt is fine. Like I said I bought it in March and I only sweep about once a week so I have only used this dang thing somewhere around 34 times and it broke. I bought the middle of the line because I wanted a decent vacuum and this is what happens. So I am off in search of a new one again this week, any suggestions besides Bissell?
I will try to post with a little more frequency.
Anyway onto another subject, back in March I bought this Bissell Powerforce turbo vacuum cleaner, now if you remember me, you know I HATE to clean so when I was sweeping last week and it started to smell funny I shut it off. I turned it up to look at it because I knew my roller had quit moving and smoke started coming out. Here I was thinking great, catch the place on fire so I won't have to worry about cleaning. I am still here so obviously the smoke wasn't as bad as it seemed.
Still haven't figured out why this damned thing will no longer work. The belt is fine. Like I said I bought it in March and I only sweep about once a week so I have only used this dang thing somewhere around 34 times and it broke. I bought the middle of the line because I wanted a decent vacuum and this is what happens. So I am off in search of a new one again this week, any suggestions besides Bissell?
I will try to post with a little more frequency.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I am still here, sort of
Okay, school is kicking my ass this semester!
I have been learning so much though. hehe. For instance:

This is the Frontal Lobe - Front part of the brain; involved in planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of "higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions and evidence is strong that the brain does not cease to mature until the early 20's in those relevant parts that govern impulsitivity, judgment, planning for the future, foresight of consequences, and other characteristics that make people morally capable.
So I had a talk with my daughter on the dangers of drinking and doing drugs until her frontal lobe is fully developed. hehehe. And thinking to myself no wonder I am on the edge of 40yrs old and just now going to school. I needed someone to have this talk with me, I mean at least I would have known I was altering my future because I doubt it would have changed anything I did. It is a good resource to blame tho.
Lesson for the day. Okay going to try to play catch up.
I have been learning so much though. hehe. For instance:

This is the Frontal Lobe - Front part of the brain; involved in planning, organizing, problem solving, selective attention, personality and a variety of "higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions and evidence is strong that the brain does not cease to mature until the early 20's in those relevant parts that govern impulsitivity, judgment, planning for the future, foresight of consequences, and other characteristics that make people morally capable.
So I had a talk with my daughter on the dangers of drinking and doing drugs until her frontal lobe is fully developed. hehehe. And thinking to myself no wonder I am on the edge of 40yrs old and just now going to school. I needed someone to have this talk with me, I mean at least I would have known I was altering my future because I doubt it would have changed anything I did. It is a good resource to blame tho.
Lesson for the day. Okay going to try to play catch up.
frontal lobe,
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My Hero
In the spirit of it being the Diva's Birthday Monday, I thought I'd tell a story about the Keeper. Calm down J, not all of it. Although it is really funny. Hehehe.
I found out I was pregnant with the Diva two weeks after her father and I decided we were definitely divorcing. We had tried so hard to get pregnant for during the years we were together but it was no reason to stay together either. I went about my life preparing to be a single mom, and he about his with his new girlfriend. He did attend appointments and such because he still wanted to be a part of her life. And he is a very big part to this day.
Anyway, I was freaking HUGE, and had one of the best friends:) She let me know just how huge I was, she says even my eyelashes were huge. She shopped with me, helped me put new accessories together, she did it all. She found out she was pregnant toward the end of my pregnancy, which made it that much more fun.

The time came Thursday night I started having contractions so I called upon the Keeper. She was getting ready to go to bed but came over immediately. She walked around out in the dark with me and we talked then decided it was time to go because I was having contractions about every five minutes. J drove us to the hospital, if you read her post you know how the women drives.
Anyway, once checked in they inform me no more food until delivery. What, WTF? Had I known this I would have waited until I seen the head. I love food!! Anyway, J is with me and enduring whatever with me, so I thought. I was trying to rest and all of the sudden I hear crunch, I whipped my head around and shot daggers. My mom had smuggled her in an apple. You Bitch!! Okay sorry, I know you're pregnant and you are here out of the goodness of your heart but for gosh sakes at least act like you need some air or have to pee. Little did I know we would be there forever before the Diva decided to grace us with her precense. At 3:15PM Friday, the Diva finally came. I sent out for food for myself and the Keeper immediatly!! We ate then and again at dinner time. She stayed with me that whole night too, in a recliner chair, and pregnant. She even wheeled my ass out to smoke. Oh, the nurses were not to happy with us. LOL.
J stood in, she was there throughout the whole delivery, comforting my whiny ass and helping me welcome the Diva into this world. So J, writing this today to say You are the wind beneath my wings, Love you!! Looking back at the whole episode, Thank you.
I found out I was pregnant with the Diva two weeks after her father and I decided we were definitely divorcing. We had tried so hard to get pregnant for during the years we were together but it was no reason to stay together either. I went about my life preparing to be a single mom, and he about his with his new girlfriend. He did attend appointments and such because he still wanted to be a part of her life. And he is a very big part to this day.
Anyway, I was freaking HUGE, and had one of the best friends:) She let me know just how huge I was, she says even my eyelashes were huge. She shopped with me, helped me put new accessories together, she did it all. She found out she was pregnant toward the end of my pregnancy, which made it that much more fun.

The time came Thursday night I started having contractions so I called upon the Keeper. She was getting ready to go to bed but came over immediately. She walked around out in the dark with me and we talked then decided it was time to go because I was having contractions about every five minutes. J drove us to the hospital, if you read her post you know how the women drives.
Anyway, once checked in they inform me no more food until delivery. What, WTF? Had I known this I would have waited until I seen the head. I love food!! Anyway, J is with me and enduring whatever with me, so I thought. I was trying to rest and all of the sudden I hear crunch, I whipped my head around and shot daggers. My mom had smuggled her in an apple. You Bitch!! Okay sorry, I know you're pregnant and you are here out of the goodness of your heart but for gosh sakes at least act like you need some air or have to pee. Little did I know we would be there forever before the Diva decided to grace us with her precense. At 3:15PM Friday, the Diva finally came. I sent out for food for myself and the Keeper immediatly!! We ate then and again at dinner time. She stayed with me that whole night too, in a recliner chair, and pregnant. She even wheeled my ass out to smoke. Oh, the nurses were not to happy with us. LOL.
J stood in, she was there throughout the whole delivery, comforting my whiny ass and helping me welcome the Diva into this world. So J, writing this today to say You are the wind beneath my wings, Love you!! Looking back at the whole episode, Thank you.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
She's Three
Peepers is 3 years old today.

Three years ago today you decided to make your debut into the world and Mommy couldn't have been more happy. You were always making it difficult to breath and you loved hanging out on my right side. I swore you would be grounded when you turn 13 for always smashing my innards. The labor was extremely painful but 6 hours fast. I was very excited to see you because I knew you would be as precious as you are. Happy Birthday My Love!!
Yea!!! Three cakes in less than a week. Now that's what gets excited me. We will have a small one today, then we are celebrating on Sunday with family because her oldest sister, Diva girl has a birthday Monday.

We are going to attempt a cake with the Dora theme because this is what she wanted. And a separate one for Diva girl.
Can someone please tell me why dad goes and drinks after mom does all the work carrying and delivering a baby? When he enjoyed the whole process that got you there and then celebrates like he did something really impressive, nevermind what you have done.
Three years ago today you decided to make your debut into the world and Mommy couldn't have been more happy. You were always making it difficult to breath and you loved hanging out on my right side. I swore you would be grounded when you turn 13 for always smashing my innards. The labor was extremely painful but 6 hours fast. I was very excited to see you because I knew you would be as precious as you are. Happy Birthday My Love!!
Yea!!! Three cakes in less than a week. Now that's what gets excited me. We will have a small one today, then we are celebrating on Sunday with family because her oldest sister, Diva girl has a birthday Monday.

We are going to attempt a cake with the Dora theme because this is what she wanted. And a separate one for Diva girl.
Can someone please tell me why dad goes and drinks after mom does all the work carrying and delivering a baby? When he enjoyed the whole process that got you there and then celebrates like he did something really impressive, nevermind what you have done.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A hairy tounge?
If you are weak stomached,
ahem...The Keeper,
I suggest you not read any further.
How would you like to kiss this?
I have heard the saying, growing hair on your teeth
but never in my wildest dreams did I believe hair could actually grow in the mouth.

I have nothing going on so I have to resort to pics I find doing research for school.
If you are weak stomached,
ahem...The Keeper,
I suggest you not read any further.
How would you like to kiss this?
I have heard the saying, growing hair on your teeth
but never in my wildest dreams did I believe hair could actually grow in the mouth.

I have nothing going on so I have to resort to pics I find doing research for school.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Vintage Thingies Thursday

This is an old book I found in my hopeless chest of goodies, 'The Story of Jesus,' the copyright date on this is 1934.
It was given to my Grandma when she was 7yrs old. My Grandma gave it to mom who in turn gave it to me.
The pages are a construction like paper. The binding has come off the side but the top cover is still attached and I have the back cover.
I will eventually give this to one of my girls, probably the Diva, not sure when tho after all it took mom 23yrs to give it to me.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I went to the gas station on my way home from classes today to get a diet pop and left there with my pop and some ranting.
Why is it people think I want to hear their music and have their bass or whatever from their shaking me?
The gas station had 4 or 5 employees working but only had one register open. Why? Two of the employees were just standing around talking and eating chips the Frito-Lays man had given them.
After the line grew to about 10 people they decided to open another line, at this time I only had the person paying and a nice little old man in front of me. The lady clearly said, 'I can help who is next, so the little old man started to go that way when some dim-wit women that was about 3 people behind me decided she had to be there. She ran up to the cashier and the poor old man was just lost. I let him back in line in front of me and questioned whether or not to cause a scene. I chose to bite my tongue but the more I think about it I wish I would have spoken up.
On another note, I have already quit taking my quit smoking medicine.
The side effects were too much. I was constantly tired and felt numb (like no personality what-so-ever). I wasn't caring about much. It gave me chest pain and was dizzy.
This is day one off the med and I am already feeling better than I have in days. So I think I am going to try the patches instead.
Why is it people think I want to hear their music and have their bass or whatever from their shaking me?
The gas station had 4 or 5 employees working but only had one register open. Why? Two of the employees were just standing around talking and eating chips the Frito-Lays man had given them.
After the line grew to about 10 people they decided to open another line, at this time I only had the person paying and a nice little old man in front of me. The lady clearly said, 'I can help who is next, so the little old man started to go that way when some dim-wit women that was about 3 people behind me decided she had to be there. She ran up to the cashier and the poor old man was just lost. I let him back in line in front of me and questioned whether or not to cause a scene. I chose to bite my tongue but the more I think about it I wish I would have spoken up.
On another note, I have already quit taking my quit smoking medicine.
The side effects were too much. I was constantly tired and felt numb (like no personality what-so-ever). I wasn't caring about much. It gave me chest pain and was dizzy.
This is day one off the med and I am already feeling better than I have in days. So I think I am going to try the patches instead.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to normal soon
My blogging time has been seriously effected by the amount of homework I have so in between the things I have to accomplish today I am going to try to catch up with everyone else.
I am hoping I will get into some kind of groove here soon so I can keep up with this.
I am hoping I will get into some kind of groove here soon so I can keep up with this.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Vintage Thingies Thursday

It is once again time for Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by the Apron Queen.
This picture is of me I believe on my first birthday. I received this lovable, fluffy white teddy bear.
(I had to take a picture of the picture because it started to rip when I tried to take it out)
I have never named him even though he has been a big part of my life.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back to school. So of course I had to get new school clothes.
These are mine. I have beautiful raspberry shirts on order that match my pants. This is my required wear for the next year. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about what I am going to put on for that day.

This is as long as my fingernails are allowed to be with clear polish only. This really bums me. Never realized how much I liked my nails until I had to cut them all off.

And these are the three different bags I tote around because there isn't a bag big enough for all the shit I need.

I went to the doctor yesterday and got my physical for class.
They said shots, I was all for it. I was expecting a Royal Butt.

Instead I got 4 of these (and have to go back within the next three weeks for 3 or 4 more). In the process I said a few choice words. My arms are killing me.

Also I got my three month supply of Zyban. This is my smoking deterrent. I have to say I am a little worried about taking it, I no longer like to take anything more than asprin. I looked it up this morning in my, now handy, nurses drug handbook.

The side effects scare the shit out of me.
I am still going to take it. I am going to start Friday. I'll keep you posted.
These are mine. I have beautiful raspberry shirts on order that match my pants. This is my required wear for the next year. Oh well, at least I don't have to worry about what I am going to put on for that day.
This is as long as my fingernails are allowed to be with clear polish only. This really bums me. Never realized how much I liked my nails until I had to cut them all off.
And these are the three different bags I tote around because there isn't a bag big enough for all the shit I need.
I went to the doctor yesterday and got my physical for class.
They said shots, I was all for it. I was expecting a Royal Butt.

Instead I got 4 of these (and have to go back within the next three weeks for 3 or 4 more). In the process I said a few choice words. My arms are killing me.

Also I got my three month supply of Zyban. This is my smoking deterrent. I have to say I am a little worried about taking it, I no longer like to take anything more than asprin. I looked it up this morning in my, now handy, nurses drug handbook.
The side effects scare the shit out of me.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
With fall semester starting at school it means summer is basically over so I thought I would post a few shots of things you do not want to see at the beach.

These are some ta-ta's!! I showed this picture to Cookie and he asked me not to share anything more with him. How does she carry those things around?

For Heavens Sake Ladies put on some shorts. Now that is alot of Gluteus Maximus. And Cookie thought my GM muscles were big!!

And lastly, I am all for Patriotism, but this is not enough.
Although this is all good blogging material it is not something I want to subject my children to at the beach.
Now off to school tomorrow to see if I can actually learn something useful.

These are some ta-ta's!! I showed this picture to Cookie and he asked me not to share anything more with him. How does she carry those things around?

For Heavens Sake Ladies put on some shorts. Now that is alot of Gluteus Maximus. And Cookie thought my GM muscles were big!!

And lastly, I am all for Patriotism, but this is not enough.
Although this is all good blogging material it is not something I want to subject my children to at the beach.
Now off to school tomorrow to see if I can actually learn something useful.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Half Man/Half Tree
Whenever I have the audacity to complain about my sagging skin or new horror bump that has popped up on my face I have to remember to Thank God for the body I do have.
Late one night I was watching TLC and a story came on about a man that has root like structure growing from his skin. He lives in a village in Indonesia. This story totally freaked me out.

They protrude from his hands and feet. I know this may be unsettling but I couldn't help but to inform ya'll of this condition. I watched this and couldn't decide if I wanted to cringe or cry.

There is an American doctor that is trying to help this man.

Click here if you want to read more about this story. I think it is also going to air on the 26th on TLC. Not sure if it is the same one or a follow up.
Late one night I was watching TLC and a story came on about a man that has root like structure growing from his skin. He lives in a village in Indonesia. This story totally freaked me out.

They protrude from his hands and feet. I know this may be unsettling but I couldn't help but to inform ya'll of this condition. I watched this and couldn't decide if I wanted to cringe or cry.

There is an American doctor that is trying to help this man.

Click here if you want to read more about this story. I think it is also going to air on the 26th on TLC. Not sure if it is the same one or a follow up.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tagged Again
I was tagged by The Keeper to do this and seeing how I am such a wonderful friend I decided to play along.
7 things I plan to do before I die
- Play with and spoil my grandbabies
- Quit Smoking
- Visit Italy or Greece
- Read the Bible through
- Have my own Harley
- Live somewhere it doesn't snow
- Lose weight without losing the boobs too
7 things I can do
- I can bend my thumb back to touch the back of my wrist
- Make people laugh (usually at my expense)
- Ride a motorcycle
- Read a good book in a day
- Eat, Eat and Eat (I love food)
- Mix a mean cocktail
- A cartwheel (I have lost the ability to do a back handspring)
7 things I cannot do
- Bring myself to believe that my house needs cleaned on a daily basis
- Run a good distance (due to smoking)
- Tolerate stupidity
- Get along with Cookie's sister
- Wait patiently
- Drink Vodka
- Have more children
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
- Eyes
- Laid back (like me)
- Caring
- Smile
- Beer belly (hehe)
- Cleanliness
- Willingness to be spontaneous
7 things I say most often
- I love you more than most
- Really? Are you kidding me? (this is when I cannot believe that someone would expect me to believe what they are saying to me)
- Son of a Bitch
- Let's go get mommy a pop
- NO!!!
- Urgh!!! (when I see all the laundry needing to be done or any cleaning really)
- Stop or Quit!!
7 celebrity crushes
- John Travolta
- Will Smith
- Justin Timberlake
- Matthew McConaughey
- Sam Elliot
- Brett Favre (although I am a Colts fan)
- Toby Keith
Bubba's Sis
And anyone else that would like to participate
My new crush kicked some Brazilian butt last night and took the Gold!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Busy, Busy
I have been ignoring my blog this week. This is due to the fact that I am starting classes again next week.
I have been busy doing my Quarterly house cleaning. Trying to catch up on things I have let slide during summer classes because if you know me at all, you know this will not be done again until around Christmas. Hehe. Wait listen for it....did you all hear mom groan? She is rolling her eyes too.
I also found out yesterday, after it was too late to do anything about it, that I did not get the memo for my clinical's this fall. I apparently need to go get scrubs, white tennis shoes, have a physical and get my immunization records along with another 3 or 4 new shots. I freaking hate getting shots so now I am not only crushed for time but I have to get fucking shots!!!!
I called my docor this morning and asked for my immunization records. No go - When they called me back they informed me they were no where to be found. GREAT.. so I called the offices where my pediatrician used to be before retirement, first off the lady says we do not have those from that LONG AGO, I said thank you. I knew records only had to be kept for ten years but I thought maybe since my Doctors now are affiliated with this conglomerate there just may have been a chance but NOPE. Finally I call my high school and explain that yes, it has been over 20 years since I have been there but is there a chance they would still have these records? The nurse took my name and # and said she would get back to okay. To my joy, within 15 minutes she called me and said I could pick them up at the office. I love my alamarter a whole lot better today than I did back then. Anyway, this saved me from having to get an additional set of 3 shots.
On a good note, I am not working for the elementary school everyday this year. They couldn't work it around my class schedule. Damn the luck:). Can you tell how upset this has made me? I am going to fill in where needed if it works into my schedule. See Cookie, I am employed!!! If this isn't enough I will just have to work alittle more around here on him, he'll forget all about it.
Enough for now.
I have been busy doing my Quarterly house cleaning. Trying to catch up on things I have let slide during summer classes because if you know me at all, you know this will not be done again until around Christmas. Hehe. Wait listen for it....did you all hear mom groan? She is rolling her eyes too.
I also found out yesterday, after it was too late to do anything about it, that I did not get the memo for my clinical's this fall. I apparently need to go get scrubs, white tennis shoes, have a physical and get my immunization records along with another 3 or 4 new shots. I freaking hate getting shots so now I am not only crushed for time but I have to get fucking shots!!!!
I called my docor this morning and asked for my immunization records. No go - When they called me back they informed me they were no where to be found. GREAT.. so I called the offices where my pediatrician used to be before retirement, first off the lady says we do not have those from that LONG AGO, I said thank you. I knew records only had to be kept for ten years but I thought maybe since my Doctors now are affiliated with this conglomerate there just may have been a chance but NOPE. Finally I call my high school and explain that yes, it has been over 20 years since I have been there but is there a chance they would still have these records? The nurse took my name and # and said she would get back to okay. To my joy, within 15 minutes she called me and said I could pick them up at the office. I love my alamarter a whole lot better today than I did back then. Anyway, this saved me from having to get an additional set of 3 shots.
On a good note, I am not working for the elementary school everyday this year. They couldn't work it around my class schedule. Damn the luck:). Can you tell how upset this has made me? I am going to fill in where needed if it works into my schedule. See Cookie, I am employed!!! If this isn't enough I will just have to work alittle more around here on him, he'll forget all about it.
Enough for now.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Olympic Gods
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Vintage Thingies Thursday

Man if these things weren't the best!! I am just wondering who came up with these. PARENTS: If you cannot afford or are tired of buying the real thing look no further, we have the answer,
This is my all time favorite outfit. Whenever we played I had to have it and would NOT share. I can be selfish that way.
These are especially for Sista #1 @ Holy Crappers - The Partridge Family!!! These are the only three I could find tho.
I was going to try to set them all out but there are all the dolls and well over 100 outfits. And dressing them, out of the question. Hey, remember I do as little work as possible:) Anyway, nowadays I would rather look at a set of abs like Kens than pick out clothing for him. Hehe!
Click if you would like to participate in Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by the Apron Queen.
Monday, August 11, 2008
I was an adventurous little tyke when I was around peepers age.
I remember one time when I was out in the back yard and I think the phone rang. Mom told me to stay there while she ran in. Well, I of course had other plans being left out in the great beyond by myself. You see I just loved my great grandma and grandpa and I loved to visit with them. They didn't live too far, maybe about 6 or 7 blocks away.
All I had to do was open the gate and I would be in the alley. Task one: Accomplished. This would cut a half block out of my journey. I proceeded down the alley and turned left onto the sidewalk of St. I made it to the crosswalk and onto the next block. I think I made my way past a couple houses I am not quite sure how many, before I was in front of my great, great-aunts house. She stopped me and offered me some cookies. Of course my answer was yes. The next thing I recall was eating my cookies with my mom frantically coming to get me...hehe. Oh how I thrived to be left alone in the back yard again.

A: Our house
B: Great Gramma & Grampa
Somewhere in the circle is where I ended up
I remember one time when I was out in the back yard and I think the phone rang. Mom told me to stay there while she ran in. Well, I of course had other plans being left out in the great beyond by myself. You see I just loved my great grandma and grandpa and I loved to visit with them. They didn't live too far, maybe about 6 or 7 blocks away.
All I had to do was open the gate and I would be in the alley. Task one: Accomplished. This would cut a half block out of my journey. I proceeded down the alley and turned left onto the sidewalk of St. I made it to the crosswalk and onto the next block. I think I made my way past a couple houses I am not quite sure how many, before I was in front of my great, great-aunts house. She stopped me and offered me some cookies. Of course my answer was yes. The next thing I recall was eating my cookies with my mom frantically coming to get me...hehe. Oh how I thrived to be left alone in the back yard again.

A: Our house
B: Great Gramma & Grampa
Somewhere in the circle is where I ended up
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I've got nothing...
I am at a loss with nothing to blog about.
I took my last final on Wednesday for my summer classes and am now on a small break.
I have decided to do some reading. I went and got myself three books. I read, Where Are You Now, by Mary Higgins-Clark all day yesterday so I didn't really do anything. When I start reading I usually don't put a book down until it's finished.
I just want a rock. For some reason when Peepers and I go out and about she has taken on embarrassing me. If there is a person within five ft. of us she will tell them, 'Go Away Person.' and some other favorites:
* I don't like that person, I love you.
* You not brush your hair? (to check-out lady)
* And everybody (no matter the age) if they have a belly, they have a baby in there.
On a side note - -Lynn, over at After the Dust Settles is giving away this cute little handmade piggy bank. Go on over and see how you can win this little porker.
I took my last final on Wednesday for my summer classes and am now on a small break.
I have decided to do some reading. I went and got myself three books. I read, Where Are You Now, by Mary Higgins-Clark all day yesterday so I didn't really do anything. When I start reading I usually don't put a book down until it's finished.
I just want a rock. For some reason when Peepers and I go out and about she has taken on embarrassing me. If there is a person within five ft. of us she will tell them, 'Go Away Person.' and some other favorites:
* I don't like that person, I love you.
* You not brush your hair? (to check-out lady)
* And everybody (no matter the age) if they have a belly, they have a baby in there.
On a side note - -Lynn, over at After the Dust Settles is giving away this cute little handmade piggy bank. Go on over and see how you can win this little porker.

She is MIA

Have you seen her?
Or this in your comments?
This is our friend the Keeper. She has been missing from the blogging world for awhile now. If anyone has seen her please tell her we have been missing her witty comments and banter. She acts as if she is too busy to grace us with her presence but she could at least say 'hi' to some of us before I send out the troops to find her.
The Wedding
So the wedding took place this weekend. Of course it was beautiful and fun was had by all at the reception. I believe I took about 50 pictures.
Some highlights of the wedding were:
The Margarita Machine

and the Photo Booth

For the kids, which I didn't get a picture, was the candy table. This table featured about twenty different types of candy in which the kids filled up small bags with. Yea, my kids were hyped up on sugar before dinner. That's okay cuz mom was buzzed on margaritas & wine and beer was flowing excessively for dad.

Which led to dancing. This featured the Electric Slide, the Hokey Pokey and YMCA. Oh yea, the sound of the 80's music was flowing. Something came over Cookie and Peepers, they became the dancers. The only time they left that floor in a three hour period was to slam beer and lemonade as fast as possible because the floor was a callin' them.

Fun was had by all and after the newlyweds left, I had to get them out of there before they had a chance to get back on that floor. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the table and headed to the car. ( Yes, by this point the margaritas had worn off so I was able to drive)
Peepers was getting some air
This is Cookies other daughter
Some highlights of the wedding were:
The Margarita Machine
and the Photo Booth
For the kids, which I didn't get a picture, was the candy table. This table featured about twenty different types of candy in which the kids filled up small bags with. Yea, my kids were hyped up on sugar before dinner. That's okay cuz mom was buzzed on margaritas & wine and beer was flowing excessively for dad.
Which led to dancing. This featured the Electric Slide, the Hokey Pokey and YMCA. Oh yea, the sound of the 80's music was flowing. Something came over Cookie and Peepers, they became the dancers. The only time they left that floor in a three hour period was to slam beer and lemonade as fast as possible because the floor was a callin' them.
Fun was had by all and after the newlyweds left, I had to get them out of there before they had a chance to get back on that floor. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the table and headed to the car. ( Yes, by this point the margaritas had worn off so I was able to drive)
Peepers was getting some air
This is Cookies other daughter
Monday, August 4, 2008
I've been Tagged...
Tag! I'm It!
Tami from Neurotically Yours tagged me because she thought I would do this. Well I cannot let her down so here goes.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I am doing this but I am not tagging anyone. If you want to do this then please feel free to and let me know you did it so I can enjoy reading the facts you list about yourself.
1. I hate feet!!! I know we need them and I am thankful I have mine. The thought of someone even brushing a part of their foot upon me sends me into a frenzy. Although at this time I can handle Peepers feet. Give it a few more years and that will not be the case. Once you hit the age of about 8 yrs. just keep your feet away from me!!!
2. I hate to fold laundry. We have a love seat we cannot sit on because it is full of clean clothes. Thank goodness we have another couch. I keep up on it until
3. In all reality I am a quite person. I usually take a back seat to listen and observe people. But...just add alcohol and that all changes.
4. I hated the Keeper when we first met. Actually I didn't hate her because I didn't know her but I was quite the BITCH. She was dating my neighbor and friend and I was doing everything I could to piss her off. We somehow became good friends. In the divorces sides were taken and apparently he doesn't care for me anymore because of the side I chose to take. Oh well, she is now one of my best friends and so worth the loss of him. And our stories make good material.
5. I have a fear of heights and spiders. Enough said about this!!
6. I don't like it when people show up unexpectedly. No, I am not talking about you and the Rock!!
7. We have a bat that lives in our garage and it loves to toy with me. Since we do not smoke in the house it is either outside or in the garage. This damn thing will wait until I am seated and in the process of throwing some idea around in my head, when he pops out of nowhere to bestow me with his presence. Now I am not a fast mover but when he shows up I move at lighting speed.
Tami from Neurotically Yours tagged me because she thought I would do this. Well I cannot let her down so here goes.
* Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I am doing this but I am not tagging anyone. If you want to do this then please feel free to and let me know you did it so I can enjoy reading the facts you list about yourself.
1. I hate feet!!! I know we need them and I am thankful I have mine. The thought of someone even brushing a part of their foot upon me sends me into a frenzy. Although at this time I can handle Peepers feet. Give it a few more years and that will not be the case. Once you hit the age of about 8 yrs. just keep your feet away from me!!!
2. I hate to fold laundry. We have a love seat we cannot sit on because it is full of clean clothes. Thank goodness we have another couch. I keep up on it until
someone else wants the dryer and throws the clothes on the couch causing a snowball effect. The girls have to fold their own laundry I am going to have to buy stock in Downey Wrinkle spray.3. In all reality I am a quite person. I usually take a back seat to listen and observe people. But...just add alcohol and that all changes.
4. I hated the Keeper when we first met. Actually I didn't hate her because I didn't know her but I was quite the BITCH. She was dating my neighbor and friend and I was doing everything I could to piss her off. We somehow became good friends. In the divorces sides were taken and apparently he doesn't care for me anymore because of the side I chose to take. Oh well, she is now one of my best friends and so worth the loss of him. And our stories make good material.
5. I have a fear of heights and spiders. Enough said about this!!
6. I don't like it when people show up unexpectedly. No, I am not talking about you and the Rock!!
7. We have a bat that lives in our garage and it loves to toy with me. Since we do not smoke in the house it is either outside or in the garage. This damn thing will wait until I am seated and in the process of throwing some idea around in my head, when he pops out of nowhere to bestow me with his presence. Now I am not a fast mover but when he shows up I move at lighting speed.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Look at us!!
This will be a very quick post seeing how I am going to be busy this weekend.
In the spirit of the step-bro's wedding tomorrow I decided to post this picture.
This is a picture I found of the Keeper and Me at her first wedding. I was going to save it so I could really make fun of us but I figure I'll let you all do that for us. Haha!!!
Wow, it has been a LONG time since I have seen my normal hair color. And why am I always talking through my teeth when I get a picture taken?

Something I have say, 'Eat your heart out BHE'...LOL!!!
In the spirit of the step-bro's wedding tomorrow I decided to post this picture.
This is a picture I found of the Keeper and Me at her first wedding. I was going to save it so I could really make fun of us but I figure I'll let you all do that for us. Haha!!!
Wow, it has been a LONG time since I have seen my normal hair color. And why am I always talking through my teeth when I get a picture taken?

Something I have say, 'Eat your heart out BHE'...LOL!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Vintage Thingies Thursday
I am once again participating in Vintage Thingies Thursday hosted by the Apron Queen.

I was actually digging around in my garage looking for something else when I happened along these treasures.
These frisbee looking things are vinyl record albums for the youngsters, like my daughter that are asking. This and a record player are how we listened to music when I was younger, before the 8-track, cassettes and cd's. And the other things the technically challenged like me don't have.

This one I played My Boyfriend's Back over and over.

I loved to watch Shirley Temple movies, so when I got the record I was a singing fool.

Lastly, my all time favorite!!!!
When my Grandma gave me this for my birthday I was ecstatic.
I seen this in the theaters nine time and to this day it is still my all time favorite movie.
The movie also started my life long love affair with John Travolta.
I wanted so badly to go to Rydell High.
Oh, Danny Zuko could have had me at the drive-in!!!

I was actually digging around in my garage looking for something else when I happened along these treasures.
These frisbee looking things are vinyl record albums for the youngsters, like my daughter that are asking. This and a record player are how we listened to music when I was younger, before the 8-track, cassettes and cd's. And the other things the technically challenged like me don't have.
This one I played My Boyfriend's Back over and over.
I loved to watch Shirley Temple movies, so when I got the record I was a singing fool.
Lastly, my all time favorite!!!!
When my Grandma gave me this for my birthday I was ecstatic.
I seen this in the theaters nine time and to this day it is still my all time favorite movie.
The movie also started my life long love affair with John Travolta.
I wanted so badly to go to Rydell High.
Oh, Danny Zuko could have had me at the drive-in!!!
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